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Skatepark Strzyżów


Skatepark Strzyżów

Address: Ul. Słowackiego przy Domu Kultury

Skatepark option: Standard

Skatepark surface: Asphalt

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2021

Skatepark elements: Quarter Pipe 90 - 422x422x120 Quarter Pipe 45 - 448x528x120 Funbox with Grindbox 3/3 + Funbox with Handrail - 660x488x45 Bank Ramp Pyramid - 433x444x120 Straight Handrail - 400x5x35 Pumptrack Line 2 Medium

In Strzyzow, on Slowackiego Street, next to the House of Culture, we realized a modular skatepark in standard technology, equipped with, among other things, 2 quarter pipes with varying degrees of slope, a funbox with grindbox 3/3 + funbox with handrail, a pyramid of bank ramps and a small pumptrack line 2 medium.

See also: Made snowparks