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Modular skatepark - Wrocław ul. . Sukielicka


Modular skatepark - Wrocław ul. . Sukielicka

Address: w okolicach toru wrotkarskiego WCT Spartan przy ul. Sukielickiej

Skatepark option: Prestiż

Skatepark surface: Beton

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2021

Skatepark elements: Equipped with over 5 obstacles, incl. roll-in + stairs + quarter pipe + bank ramp, quarter pipe 2 levels, jumpox + funbox + funbox with stairs and 3/1 railing + railing 3/3 + funbox with 2/3 grindbox and H150 mini amp.

Skatepark in Wrocław at ul. Sukielicka

In Wrocław at ul. In cooperation with the Wrocław Training Center Spartan sp.z o.o., we have completed a new facility - a modular skatepark in the prestige technology, which is covered with a light RampLine composite.

Equipped with over 5 obstacles, incl. roll-in + stairs + quarter pipe + bank ramp, quarter pipe 2 levels, jumpox + funbox + funbox with stairs and 3/1 railing + railing 3/3 + funbox with 2/3 grindbox and H150 mini amp.

See also: Made snowparks