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Kraków - Widok


Kraków - Widok

Address: os. Widok, ul. Zarzecze

Skatepark option: Standard and Prestige

Skatepark surface: Asphalt

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2011

Skatepark in Krakow on the Widok estate has undergone a major renovation. Most of the obstacles have been removed from the skatepark and replaced with new ones.

This is how the concrete skatepark on os. View (Krakow)
It has an area of ​​760 m2

It is a two-level skatepark with an area of ​​760 m2, designed in a classic rectangular form.

In the upper part there is a bowl with a corner and a nipple with an area of ​​about 150 m2, additionally it has a raised wall on which concrete coping is planted. On the upper platform there is also a mini quarter for line rush, a long Grindbox - Street rain rail. On the other side there is a granite Grindbox and a short street drop rail.

In the lower part of the skatepark there are two simple Grindboxes with Walls, a long straight Grindbox made of Granite, a long Straight Railing, a Manual Pad with a Curb, a Kicker with a jumping ball and a mini rainbow.

Slo Concept project


The first development took place in 2011, it was a modular skatepark.




See also: Made snowparks