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Skatepark Lomazy


Skatepark Lomazy

Address: ul. Sportowa, 21-532 Łomazy

Skatepark option: Standard

Skatepark surface: Concrete

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2020

Skatepark elements: Minirampa + Bank Ramp 792x447x100 Funbox with handrail 3/3 720x244x60 Funbox for jumping 495x244x60 Grindbox 2 364x60x50 Straight handrail 400x5x35

We have built a modern modular skatepark using Standard technology in Lomazy, creating a safe and durable space for skaters, BMX riders, rollerbladers and scooter users. When designing and building skateparks, we focus on the highest quality - the facility has been equipped with a variety of obstacles adapted to different levels of skill.

See also: Made snowparks