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Polyethylene skatepark - Czechowice-Dziedzice


Polyethylene skatepark - Czechowice-Dziedzice

Address: Park Lasek, ul. Żwirki i Wigury

Skatepark option: wood

Dimension square skatepark: 386 m²

Skatepark surface: concrete

Technology: polietylen

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2024

Skatepark elements: Bank Ramp, Quater Pipe, two Grindboxes, Funbox with Grindbox 2/3, handrail 2/3, straight small handrail, miniramp H120

The skatepark offers a wide range of obstacles, including a Bank Ramp, Quater Pipe, two Grindboxes, a Funbox with a 2/3 Grindbox, and a 2/3 handrail and a simple small handrail, allowing for a variety of tricks and evolutions. The skatepark will also feature an H120 miniramp. The equipment and its installation comply with the PN-EN 14974+A1:2010 standard, which is a guarantee of safety and high quality workmanship.

See also: Made snowparks