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Skatepark in Kedzierzyn-Kozle


Skatepark in Kedzierzyn-Kozle

Address: al. Jana Pawła II

Year: 2009

Address: al. Jana Pawla II.
Dimensions of skatepark's square: ab. 64m x 26m.
Surface of skatepark: concrete.
Elements of skatepark: Mini spin ramp, Bank ramp, Funbox (platform 366) with 2 grindboxes and rail + grindbox, Quarter pipe + roll-in + Bank ramp, Quarter pipe, Funbox  for jumps, Bank ramp + Quarter pipe, Funbox pyramid, Funbox with grindbox, Grindbox.
Skatepark was built in Prestige option, covered by riding layer RampLine, thanks it has highest hardiness.

See also: Made snowparks