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Asphalt pumptrack - Krzysztoforzyce


Asphalt pumptrack - Krzysztoforzyce

Address: Krzysztoforzyce Pętla

Skatepark option: Asfalt

Dimension square skatepark: 230m2

Skatepark surface: Asfalt

Technology: betonowa

Skatepark type: pumptrack modułowy

Year: 2021

In Krzysztoforzyce, next to the bus terminus, an asphalt pumptrack was built for children, adolescents and adults.
The pumptrack bike track has been designed with all users in mind, so from now on you can ride on the track on roller skates, skateboards, scooters or bicycles.
Pumptrack has an area of ​​230 m2 and its length is 100 m.
The SLO Concept company is responsible for the design of the asphalt pumptrack



See also: Made snowparks