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Modular skatepark - Kamienica


Modular skatepark - Kamienica

Address: 49.57688978964047

Skatepark option: wood

Dimension square skatepark: 952,93 m2

Skatepark surface: concrete

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2024

Skatepark elements: Quarter Pipe with Bank Ramp, Quarter Pipe, Funbox with grindbox and handrail, Grindbox 10.

The skatepark at the "SATURN" resort in Kamienica has an area of approximately 31x31 meters and offers four main obstacles: Quarter Pipe with Bank Ramp, stand-alone Quarter Pipe, Funbox with Grindbox and Handrail, and long Grindbox 10. These elements create a diverse space for riding and tricks, suitable for different levels of skill.

See also: Made snowparks