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Skatepark Kargowa


Skatepark Kargowa

Address: Kargowa nr 47/2, 66-120 Kargowa

Skatepark option: Prestiż

Skatepark surface: Concrete

Year: 2021

Skatepark elements: Bank Ramp - 416x244x150 cm Funbox with 2/3 gridnbox and 3/3 railing - 720x244x60 cm Quarter Pipe - 320x244x150 cm H120 + 2x Quarter Pipe miniramp - 885x536x120 cm Bench 4 - 286x60x35 / 47 cm Broken railing - 500x5x30 / 50 cm Grindbox 10 - 850x244x20 / 55 cm Grindbox 6 - 244x244x35 cm

In Kargowa, we have completed a modular skatepark in the Prestige technology, equipped with, among others, with ramp bank, funbox with 2/3 grindbox and 3/3 railing, quarter pip and H120 miniramp.


See also: Made snowparks