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Skatepark Opalenica


Skatepark Opalenica

Address: ul. Gimnazjalna, 64-330 Opalenica

Skatepark option: Standard

Skatepark surface: Asphalt

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2020

Skatepark elements: Quarter pipe 320x366x150 Funbox + grindbox 3/3 + handrail 2/3 720x488x60 Straight handrail 400x5x35 Bench 250x30x35 Bank ramp 470x488x180 Miniramp H150 935x488x150

We built the Standard modular skatepark in Opalenica, offering a modern and safe place to ride skateboards, BMX, rollerblades and scooters. Through precise design and construction of the skateparks, we have used durable materials and a variety of obstacles that meet the highest standards. This is another realization that demonstrates our experience in creating skateparks.

See also: Made snowparks