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Concrete skatepark - Wroclaw Slezna street


Concrete skatepark - Wroclaw Slezna street

Address: ul. Ślężna, za plecami Galerii Wroclavia

Skatepark option: Concrete

Dimension square skatepark: 740 m2

Skatepark surface: Concrete

Technology: betonowa

Skatepark type: skatepark betonowy

Year: 2021

Residents of Wroclaw can enjoy the new concrete skatepark they have so been waiting for! The facility has been located on Slezna Street, behind the back of the popular Wroclavia Gallery.

This is another facility of this type on the map of Lower Silesia, created for lovers of rollerblading, skateboarding and BMX. A large bowl, more than 20 devices for catheting tricks and stunts with yellow accents are already waiting for enthusiasts!

The author of the design of the surface and obstacles of the skatepark is Slo Concept design office.

See also: Made snowparks