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Skatepark Slawno


Skatepark Slawno

Address: Ul. Zielona 9, 26-332 Sławno

Skatepark option: concrete monolithic

Skatepark surface: concrete

Technology: betonowa

Skatepark type: skatepark betonowy

Year: 2018

Skatepark elements: - Quarter pipe - Stairs with grindbox - Handrail #1 - Gap with grindbox - Volcano - Grindbox #3 - Handrail #2 - Bank ramp - Grindbox #4 - Quarter pipe - Funbox for jumping - Bowl - Wave - Modular pumptrack.

We have completed a concrete skatepark at the sports and tourism complex next to the Municipal Cultural Center in Slawno. Next to this facility, a pumptrack and other attractions for the local community were also repeated. The entire complex is so far the largest tourism project in the province of Lodz.

See also: Made snowparks