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Skatepark - Kraków (ul. Kąpielowa)


Skatepark - Kraków (ul. Kąpielowa)

Address: ul. Kąpielowa

Skatepark option: Beton

Dimension square skatepark: 510 m2

Technology: betonowa

Skatepark type: skatepark betonowy

Year: 2022

This is how the concrete skatepark in Krakow looks like, at ul. Kąpielowa Street.

The skatepark has an unusual shape, additionally it has been integrated into the greenery.

In addition, lighting lighting.

The skatepark has 510 m2
Length: 50 m²
Width: 29 m

The concept of the park was designed by the Slo Concept design studio.


See also: Made snowparks