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Betonowy bowl w Opolu


Betonowy bowl w Opolu

Address: ul. Wodociągowa

Skatepark option: Beton

Dimension square skatepark: Betonowy bowl o głębokości ok. 1,6 m.

Skatepark surface: Beton

Year: 2020

Skatepark elements: The inhabitants of Opole can enjoy the new sports complex! A Skatepool was built at Wodociągowa Street - a concrete bowl about 1.6 m deep, made by Techramps. The complex also includes an asphalt pumptrack bike track, an ORLIK football pitch, a multisport pitch with a seasonal ice rink and a playground. The entire complex of sports facilities also gained modern lighting.

The inhabitants of Opole can enjoy the new sports complex! At Wodociągowa street, a Skatepool was built - a concrete bowl with a depth of about 1.6 m. The complex also includes an asphalt pumptrack bike track, an ORLIK football pitch, a multisport pitch with a seasonal ice rink and a playground. The entire complex of sports facilities also gained modern lighting.

See also: Made snowparks