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Modular skatepark - Sędziejowice


Modular skatepark - Sędziejowice

Address: Stadion Gminny Sędziejowice

Skatepark option: wood

Dimension square skatepark: 257,5

Skatepark surface: concrete

Technology: modułowa

Skatepark type: skatepark modułowy

Year: 2023

Skatepark elements: Quater Pipe 300x244x120 Bank Ramp 360x244x120 Funbox with Handrail + Grindbox 460/420x299x45

Thanks to the modernization of the Municipal Stadium in Sędziejowice, residents have a modular skatepark at their disposal. The facility consists of a Quater Pipe, Bank Ramp and Funbox.

See also: Made snowparks