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Snowpark Village Park - Swieradow Zdroj


Snowpark Village Park - Swieradow Zdroj

διεύθυνση: Swieradow Zdroj SKI

Εκτέλεση επιλογή: snow

Year: 2009

Στοιχεία skatepark: street box 8 m, 4 m boxs x2, double broken box 4m/2,5m/4m, butter box 4 m x2, street rail 8 m, wallride width 5 m, hight 2 m

Photos of the snow park in Swieradow Zdroj after reconstructed.
We present the first images obstacles to the snowpark in Swieradow Zdroj.
The weather finally allowed to start construction of the park in
Swieradowie, which provided the following obstacles:
  • Funbox 8 m,
  • skocznia 4 m,
  • box streetowy 8 m,
  • boxy 4 m x2,
  • box podwójnie łamany 4m/2,5m/4m,
  • butter boxy 4 m x2,
  • rail streetowy 8 m,
  • wallride 5 m width, 2 m hight,
  • and some "surprises".
Snowpark will be opended from 9:00 to 16:00.
At night from 18:00 to 22:00, at minimum of 5 people.

  • all day 9.00-16.00 - 30 PLN,
  • half of 9.00-12.30 - 20 PLN,
  • half of 12.30-16.00 - 20 PLN,
  • night skiing 18.00-22.00 - 25 PLN,
  • season-round ticket - 300 PLN.

entrance to the snow park only with a valid pass,
after regaring to the rules of the snowpark!

More info about Village Park on the official site.



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