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Snowpark Katowice -JiB Jam 4 Spodek


Snowpark Katowice -JiB Jam 4 Spodek

Year: 2010

In January 2010 tooked place the largest urban snowboard event in Poland. 120 tons of snow and huge scaffolding stood inSpodek at Katowice. The huge structure appeared our rails. Specially designed double-angled flat and straight rail. The contest appeared leading Polish and European snowboarders. Below you will find a press release from the event.



The competition ended yesterday JibJam 4 in Katowice triumphed Wojtek "Jack" Pawlusiak. Among girls the best was Kasia Kwiecień. Many thanks to the Mayor of Katowice, the City Hall, the club's Negresco and Burton, so that the event can take place! Full report text and photos soon!
  1. Wojtek „ Gniazdo” Pawlusiak – 5000 zł
  2. Kuba Dytkowski – 2500 zł
  3. Radek Cząstkiewicz – 1000 zł
  4. Andrzej Gwiżdż – 500 zł
  5. Marek Rauba – 300 zł
  6. Bazsi Takacs – 100 zł
  1. Kasia Kwiecień – 1000 zł
  2. Basia Sekudewicz – 500 zł
  3. Ada Olech – 300 zł
  4. Mira Kwiecień – 200 zł
  5. Marcelina Frycz – 100 zł
First photos of obstacles.
January 16 2010  before Spodek in Katowice, you can see the best Polish and foreign jibbers! Specialy for the Riders will be prepared 9-foot rail and double angled flat. The final will take place under artificial light. Certainly you won't complain for lack of emotion, because the winner will receive 5000 , and all prize money is up to 11 500 zł! The sponsor of the event is the Katowice City Hall, and the organization helps club Negresco and Burton. We invite!


More info at officional site.

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