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Lines of Bielawa


Lines of Bielawa

"Lines of Bielawa" is one of the most important skateboarding events in Poland, and therefore it could not be there our team.It was composed by Grzesiek "Grzesztof" Górski, Tom "Kosiu" Kłos, Maciek "Johnny" Jakobszy, Przemek "Willy" Wardęga and Maciek "Heniek" Heczko, who also commented this year's competitions. 

Like one year ago on the street located near the skatepark, which was closed to traffic, stood our mobile obstacles, this time enriched with several new "boxes" that were created specifically for the competitions in Bielawa. What's the best, they have been built during the first day of the event, by the same participants who took part in a competition organized by us. The rules were simple - the team, which quickly turns the selected grindbox ... get it on the property!. Everything took place under the watchful eye of Grzesztof, and the winner was of the "Drunk Team" from Walbrzych. Their skatepark was enrich by a new obstacle, which was delivered on place of the next day. Of course, like on every of the events on which we participate, you can also talk with us about building skateparks, learn how to bag such objects in own town and with whom to talk about these issues. 

This year, despite the atmosphere of a rainy night on a campground located next to the skatepark was really unique and the fun extended every day until dawn. The competitions, very thought interesting and exciting crossing won Michal Mucha. Who was not in Bielawa should regret it . See you next year, on "Skejt Woodctock" in Bielawa.

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