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Help for architects and officials

Help for architects and officials
Are you an architect, designer and need help in designing a modular skatepark or modular pumptrack? Send us a map or specify the size of the square on which the skatepark is to be built.

We will carry it to your square with safety zones and logical arrangement of elements - free of charge!

We carry out other projects of skate parks and concrete pumptracks for a fee.

The scope we perform:

1. We develop individual skatepark concepts in 3D technology, adapted to the designated area, in accordance with the current standards and trends in the environment of roller sports and BMX.

2. If the investor requires consultations with future users, we will help in carrying them out.

3. We also offer the development of complete design documentation - architecture, construction, cost estimates.

If you need a concrete object design, write to or call +48 515 302 785 or 503 837 601



Also see the BROCHURES section, you will find some interesting information in them.

Below we present a few visualizations, and if you want to see examples of skateparks, please visit the Skatepark elements> Examples of skateparks.

Do you have a question regarding help in designing or need a skatepark project, all you need to do is send us an e-mail to and we will contact you within a few hours.




See also: Why Techramps?