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Workshop Techramps on Woodcamp 2008


Workshop Techramps on Woodcamp 2008
During the skating camp, WoodCamp, on each of the period team Techramps appeared. Especially for all the campers we ran a workshop, during which they can learn how to skateparks arise, what do they can do that in their city skatepark could be made, and how to manually construct a grindbox. Each of the participants could also take part in the contest, in which was to win a mini obstacle Techramps.
Pictures from Workshop Techramps.

I period of Woodcamp 2008 (2.07.08).

II period of Woodcamp 2008 (16.07.08).

III period of Woodcamp 2008 (30.07.08).

IV period of Woodcamp 2008 (13.08.08).

V period of Woodcamp 2008 (27.08.08).