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Skatepark in Czechowice-Dziedzice


Skatepark in Czechowice-Dziedzice

Adresse: os. Północ

Execution Option: Prestige (elements of skatepark are additionally covered by 6mm RampLine riding mat)

Dimension Platz Skatepark: ab. 37m x 21m

Surface Skatepark: brick (this is the last resort solution - the best surface is concrete)

Year: 2010

Elemente eines Skateparks: Bank ramp, Quarter pipe, Funbox with grindbox and rail, Miniramp, Straight rail - profile.




Team Fragment and Grindshop provide video of the new skatepark, which was established in Czechowice-Dziedzice. Raiders: Adrian Borowy, Mateusz Sikora, Michal Krzywonos, Bartek Koska, Remigiusz Miczek i Aram Socha. Camera and monage Michal Krzywonos.